Sunday, March 27, 2016

He has risen indeed!

 Three days ago our beloved savior was buried in a sealed tomb after being crucified.  He paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we wouldn't have to.  The perfect, pure Son of GOD died for us.  Not because he had to, but because we wanted to.  Because he loved us.

Many of Jesus's followers were heartbroken about the, supposed, Savior's bitter defeat called death.  Mary, mother of James, Mary Magdalene, a former prostitute, and Mary, mother of Jesus, all went to out Lord's tomb to anoint the body with oils.  But as they gazed upon the tomb they found it was empty!  Had someone stolen the body?  How could that be?  The tomb was sealed with a large boulder and wax, it would take many men to move it.  "Do not be afraid," said a thundering voice from behind them, "He is not here, He has risen from the grave and is alive once again," proclaimed the voice.  The three Mary's whipped around to see a great warrior of GOD standing before them.  An angel had come to them!  And as the angel said, the Lamb of GOD has risen from the grave and defeated death once and for all!

Jesus had defeated one of the most feared and most powerful things in the known universe!  Death!  Not even the Grimm Reaper could hold Jesus back!  Jesus died and rose again for us!  He made the ultimate sacrifice then rewarded us with the hope of the resurrection!  Sin has lost its grip!  Death has lost its sting!  Life has gained its joy!  All because of Jesus and what he did for us; His redeemed children.  Jesus loved you so much, that He literally went to hell and back for you!  Now I don't know about you, but that is what I call true love.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

What's so good about Good Friday?

Yesterday was Good Friday, as many of you know.  In honor of Good Friday, my mother and I watched "The Passion of the Christ".  It was my first time watching it and I thought it was a very well made movie!  With great acting, exceptional accuracy, thought-provoking imagery, and professional cinematography!  But, to me, that movie was more than just an R rated film I was allowed to watch.  To me, it was a grotesquely accurate depiction of what our Savior went through for us.  He was beaten nearly to death, ripped apart by the leather wrath of whips, he was spat on like he was nothing but part of the filthy road, he was insulted and betrayed like a common criminal, he was stretched to the point where his shoulders were dislocated on the cross, his limbs were nailed to the cross as if he could feel no pain, a crown of long thorns was pressed into his skull, he was humiliated and laughed at by the people he came to save.  All of this and he did NOTHING WRONG.  He went through all of that pain, all that embarrassment just to save sinful, fallen, lowlifes like us.  He did this because he loves us!  He did this because he cared for us!  He did this because we are his lost children and He did this to redeem us.

We often take this for granted.  We often think of Easter and Good Friday as two trips to church in a week.  We think of it as an Eater egg hunt in the backyard.  We think of it as a new dress or hat we get to buy.  We think of it as eating leftovers for the rest of the month. But Easter isn't any of that.  It was the ultimate sacrifice given to us even though we did nothing to deserve it.  It is the purest, most genuine, most true love that Jesus Christ showed us.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Letters from Jack (part six *final part*)

Dear Jack,

          I hope you like the drawing I made!   I got the idea through a dream I had about you (along with the description of yourself you gave me).  Hopefully, the portrait actually looks like you!  I worked really hard on getting it just right.  I do hope you like it!  Thank you for convincing me to continue doing art.  I want to apologize once again, for the bitter insults I called you.  You were only being a good big brother.  I was just frustrated and frightened, I wasn’t thinking straight.  Hatred was clouding my mind and I let my anger control me.  So I apologize again.

          Jack, thank you so much for sticking with me, even when I was being stubborn and selfish.  You are the best friend I could have asked for!  You are very kind, creative, godly, and selfless!  You encouraged me when I needed it most, you lifted me up when I fell down, I am forever in your debt.  Thank you for showing GOD's love to me when I had doubts about myself.  You were right.  GOD hasn't given up on anyone in the past, why would He have given up on me?  I feel so silly that I actually thought that GOD had abandoned me.  Jack, Thank you.  For everything.

          Oh!  And I love your idea of reading a book together!  Maybe we should start with C.S. Lewis’s "The Screwtape Letters".

Love, your forever grateful friend, and sister,


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Letters from Jack (part five)

Dear Avia,

          I am overjoyed about the letter you sent me!  I am so happy to know that you've picked up art once again!  I would like to thank you for offering to draw me something too!  I will take you up on that offer.  But, I want you to surprise me; draw anything you want and send it to me!  I cannot express how glad I am to see that you've returned to your old self again.  You're that sweet, forgiving, ambitious girl again!

          It is wonderful to hear that your bullies have been taken care of!  Those boys deserved to get expelled after all they put you through.  I've also heard that they've mocked other students too!  Maybe you and those other students can become friends!  Oh, I am so relieved that your parents and teachers had the wisdom to assess that whole situation.  GOD is very pleased with your perseverance and patience.  He is very pleased.

          I also appreciate the fact that you want to get to know me better!  You had numerous questions in your letter, I will try to answer them all!  Let’s start with the easy ones.  I am now 10,483 years old, my favorite color is blue, I am left handed, and my favorite season is Autumn.  Regarding your inquiries about my appearance I have greenish-blue eyes, black, curly hair, fair skin, I am kinda short, though I am lean and strong, and I have freckles.  I think that’s about it.

          Oh!  I also enjoy reading very much.  I, of course, read the Scriptures.  But I also read science encyclopedias.  It's very interesting to study about the wonderful world GOD has made for us to enjoy!  I especially love to study chemistry.  I've noticed that you like to read also!  I've seen that you like to read fairy tales.  I have read the wonderful workings of C.S. Lewis's "The Chronicles of Narnia" along with "The Lord of the Rings" by J.R.R. Tolkien and I found them quite intriguing.  Maybe we should read something together?  Like a book club.  I've always wanted to read "Howell's Moving Castle" by Dianna Wynn Jones and "Cupid" by Julius Lester.  Maybe we could read one of those?

          You have been through quite a lot in the past three months since I started writing you and all through it, you always persevered.  I am very proud of you, so is our Father.  I have chosen this verse of 1 Thessalonians 5:18 for you, "Give thanks in every circumstance, because this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."  I think it describes you pretty well.  Avia, I can't wait to see you grow in your faith as you blossom into an adult.  It's going to be a bumpy road for sure, but if you put all of your faith in the Lord you will make it through all trials life throws at you.  That bright future GOD has planned for you is just around the corner!

          I will continue writing you letters until you join me in Heaven.  So you're going to be stuck with me for a while!  Keep pushing forward like you always have!  Until the next letter.
Love, your affectionate guardian angel,
